New Year New You Competition - Terms & Conditions

Promoter: Circuit Managed Laundry System, Victoria Court, Halixfax Road, Ripponden, West Yorkshire, HX6 4AJ.

By entering this promotion, you accept and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:

  1. This promotion is open to all UK residents aged over 16 years except for employees and their families, of the Promoter and their group of companies.
  2. Only one entry per person.
  3. To participate in this promotion, entrants are required to follow Circuit Laundry on Facebook or Twitter, comment and tag a friend (Facebook) or respond tagging a friend (Twitter).
  4. The competition will run from 16/1/2020 (16th January 2020) to 22/1/2020 (22nd January 2020) on the Circuit Laundry Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/circuitlaundryuk/ and the Circuit Laundry Twitter page
  5. Circuit Laundry and its partners reserve the right to disqualify from the competition any entries or comments containing inappropriate or offensive language and themes. Comments posted on other channels, or missing required competition information (as defined in clause 3) will not be eligible to win.
  6. Only 1 (one) entry per person will be eligible for entry into the competition for the prize draw. 1 (one) person is not eligible to win all the prizes.
  7. The promotion opens on 16/1/2020 (16th January 2020) and the closing date for entries is 23:59 (GMT) on 22/1/2020 (22nd January 2020).
  8. 2 (two) winners – 1 (one) from Facebook and 1 (one) from Twitter, will be randomly selected at the discretion of CLIENT and its partners, based on eligible competition entries, following the close of the competition on 22/1/2020 (22nd January 2020).
  9. The winners will be notified by the 31/1/2020 (31st January 2020) through the Circuit Laundry Facebook and Twitter pages.
  10. The prize awarded to the selected winners will be £50 added to their Circuit Laundry accounts.
  11. The selected winners will be asked to acknowledge their prize by 23:59 (GMT) on the 9/1/2020 (9th February 2020). If the promoter does not receive confirmation from a winner that they acknowledge the prize by this time, the promoter reserves the right withdraw the offer/prize. Prizes may take up to 60 (sixty) days from acknowledgment of prize to reach the winner.
  12. The decision of the promoter is final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into regarding the outcome of this promotion.
  13. Circuit Laundry and its partners reserve the right to substitute the prize with a prize to the equivalent value and/or specification. There is no cash alternative and the prize is non-transferable and non-refundable.

Top-Up Card Top-Up Card Top-Up Card